Here's the composite image of the sun at 6, 4 and 2 minutes before totality which I took during the July 22 eclipse in Jinshanwei, China. (I'm one of the two in-charge with multiple exposures). The eclipse occurred at 9:43 local time.
The storm clouds blocked the sun's disc during totality but the darkness was very apparent.
a Space-themed exhibit of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum: mock-ups of rockets and satellites, meteorite samples, and a live data stream from China's weather satellite.
Here's the video of the totality of the 2009 solar eclipse. Me and my colleagues from the UP Astronomical Society observed the eclipse in Jinshanwei, aboout 100km south of Shanghai, China.
Storm clouds covered the sun's disc 2 minutes before the totality, but the darkness was so apparent once the moon covered the sun, as can be seen from the video.